Microfinance for ecosystem-based adaptationStakeholder
Short description
The Microfinance for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (MEbA) project seeks to provide vulnerable rural and peri-urban populations with access to microfinance products and services that allow them to invest in activities that improve their income, increase their climate resilience and allow them to sustainably use ecosystems and their services. It focuses on developing solutions for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and their clients to increase their capacity to manage climate information and risks, while promoting ecosystem-based adaptation options (EbA).
Visit the project website
Proyecto MEbA:
Beneficios de las alianzas con instituciones de microfinanzas
Beneficios de las alianzas con instituciones de microfinanzas
Key facts MEbA Phase II
Objectives of the MEbA project are:
- Increase the capacity of MFIs to finance EbA alternatives (Ecosystem-based adaptation).
- Strengthen the client's ability to implement adaptation options.
- Influencing national and international public policies to promote adaptation through microfinance.
Services delivered by YAPU
YAPU serves the role of main executing contractor, which entails:
- Development of Implementation methodology,
- Introduction of MFIs to climate resilient agricultural loans
- identifying potential focus EbA solutions in their areas of operations
- Development of EbA financial products or credit lines
- Adjustments to credit processes within MFIs, mostly supported by software
- Training to staff on adaptation to climate change
- Strengthening of partnerships with technical partners
- Execution of a pilot with each MFI and monitoring results
- Support in the development of a scale-up plan
EBA Solution Greenhouse