Digital Resilience Finance
Scale for Resilience
Impact References
Microfinance for ecosystem-based adaptationThe MEbA project seeks to provide vulnerable populations with access to microfinance products and services to foment their climate change adaptation.
It works with Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) as agents of change and primarily targets to de-risk small-scale agricultural finance by proactively managing climate change. With that target, the project creates local adaptation capacities and aims to leverage and mainstream additional public and private finance for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA).
Agricultural Finance and Smart Data for Climate Adaptation in EcuadorThis EcoMicro project is geared toward small-scale agricultural producers and enterprises in rural areas at the national level in Ecuador and seeks to use data and finance to improve their climate resilience.
Microfinance institutions as partners are supported in proactively manage climate change risks and to provide effective and cost-beneficial solutions to target vulnerable populations. YAPU’s platform is provided to operationalize these efforts.
HOW TO RESPOND AS FINANCIAL INSTITUTION TO THE CORONA-CRISISThe global spread of the COVID19-Virus put the world in an unprecedented situation since the beginning of 2020. Various governmental countermeasures put financial institutions under extreme pressure.
Between April 7 and April 28 in 2020, the webinar series - developed and delivered by YAPU, ID - inspiring development and DigitalBank LatAm - provided financial institutions in Latin America with concrete suggestions on how to address the emerging crisis in sustainable ways.
AGRICULTURE LENDING INCLUDING CLIMATE AND BIODIVERSITY IMPACTSBiodiversity is a key component for agricultural finance, but threatened globally weakening agricultural production. It seldomly is considered in credit decisions, further increasing that tendency.
The MEbA Biodiversity Platform seeks to provide interested financial institutions to seamlessly integrate biodiversity risk assessment into existing processes. In consequence it also targets to enable specific refinancing solutions and support solid and sound MRV systems.